4 gru 2018

Hi! You might remember me...


I'm Anabella, in case this is your first time here. If you are reading this as one of my old readers then I'd like to first of all thank you for still remembering about me, and second of all let you know that I am still alive and well.

After years of putting blogging to one side I decided to come back to it, whether as just a diary or somewhere to dump my photos after a photoshoot. Over the past three years I have finished my A-Levels and got into university to study Pharmacology - a career path I dreamt about since before I started blogging in the first place.

As mentioned in the "About me" section of the blog, I am planning on writing about just about everything from my day to day life to what university, and living away from home has taught me. If you have any questions about UCAS, choosing a university or university life in general feel free to leave me a comment below and I may even write a post about the whole process.

This was just a quick note to say "Hello", but watch this space. New content coming soon.